Papiroga has arrived to Moscow. And we are here to stay!
Papiroga has arrived to Moscow. And we are here to stay!
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Papiroga has arrived to Moscow. And we are here to stay!

аксессуары бижутерия Papiroga 2012

Because you know every day is different.
There are days were you would love to jump on the bed exultant, and others hide under the quilt.
Days you feel the soul of the party and others you’d rather turn the phone off and stay in peacefulness by yourself.
Days where you will wear a suit with your best smile and others were you’ll self-indulgence until dawn.
Days with a cup of tea, blanket while watching a film, on your own.
Days were you just want to go out and sing under the rain.
Days when you feel more fragile. More cheerful. Stronger.
Every day is different. And you don’t settle for being the same one either.
You know that you cannot always be amusing, cool or elegant.
However you can always be who you want to be.
Every morning is an opportunity to start a new.
You love catwalks but you know that the real beauty doesn’t have anything to do with spotlights. It is round the corner, in any street.
You don’t want to have to ask for a loan for being trendy, but you don’t want to dress like the rest of the world.
You dream with being able to renew your wardrobe every morning, but you don’t want to pawn your grandmother’s ring for feeling unique.
You like being yourself. And different every day. Achieve your goal. Everyone and no one at the same time.
But without stopping being you. Irreplaceable and unique.
Welcome to our world, welcome to papiroga.
How do you wanna feel today?


Женское бижутерия Papiroga  2012
If we have created papiroga it’s because we feel life is much more interesting without stereotypes and -OurBelive are:
-1 We are into fashion. If not we would have launched a foster a pet platform.
-2 Now that we think of it, we’d love to launch a foster a pet platform.
-3 Catwalks dazzle us, however what we see in the street, every day, bedazzle us even more.
-4 Being able to put a smile on your face in a tough working day is for us the beginning.
-5 We’d rather sell our wardrobe than doing something against our believes.
-6 We do not have to render account to anyone:
We sleep better without having to justify our designs.
-7 It gives us the freedom to challenge our designs. Awesome!
 -8 For us, fashion is not a matter of looks but of moods.
-9 Our accessories are not going to solve any communication matters with your partner. But can make you feel better when doing so.
-10 We do not have more principles. ¡This is an accessories website!
And remember….
Don’t shop compulsively
Don’t compare yourself with anyone
Just be yourself. Enjoy life. Share

Beyond design
женские украшения Papiroga  2012
One of the things we appreciate about having launched papiroga is being able to do what we want with whom we want, accessories that can make you change your mood, surrounded by cool people.
Reason for which we work with the workshops of our Indian friends Shika and Arpit, who guarantee through their different associations the meeting of certain conditions, including:
1. The employment at will: no one should be forced to work if not desired.
2. Nondiscrimination: everyone should be respected equally.
3. Access to regular health checkups and basic hygienic conditions, from bathrooms sanitized and suitable spaces for preserving food, to clean water and a safe working environment.
4. The ban, without exception, of any minor employee.
5. Respect for a maximum of 48 hours work week. And during the day: there is life beyond work.
6. Access to the same opportunities for promotion, regardless of gender or place of origin.
7. The prohibition of any abuse of power, whether psychological, sexual or any other type.

But beyond these basic requirements given for granted in the West –unfortunately not so elementary beyond our borders - for us it’s a great pride to work with people like Shika and Arpit, whose work goes far beyond the fulfillment of basic human rights: contributing part of their profits to build schools, health facilities or development of aqueducts to irrigate fields with regular droughts.

And their employees, mostly women, with whom, on-site, we design our accessories, we can, ensure that they are happy. Or at least happier than they could be anywhere else: not only by respecting their gender but also they manage to reconcile their work and family life, access to education or enjoy a decent healthcare. And they can acknowledge how the place they live in improves day by day. A great example is that, with last year’s benefits, that papiroga generated, Shika invited all the people to eat in New Year. We have signed up for the next one however….: not too spicy please!
Being able to collaborate with friends like Shika and Arpit is really cool. Therefore, beyond our personal relationship, we contribute with a portion of our income to their work: because we appreciate them, we feel identified with what they do and we are fascinated with their brilliant employees who carry to a temple the accessories to have them blessed to provide wealth to whom wears it.

Thanks for being there, for being as you are and doing what you do.

It´s not just about the look
Украшения Papiroga  2012
Papiroga is a brand of handmade accessories with exclusive designs, limited production and which is affordable to women who want to change their mood while being themselves.
Its birth is linked to two basic concerns: first, if every day we feel in a differently, why always dress the same?, And, secondly, why should we pay extra to feel different?
Democratization of prices has managed to bring designs to everyone which until recently, were reserved for luxury brands, but at the cost of destroying our identity, as now everyone dresses alike.
Establishing the Internet as a primary sales channel and eliminating unnecessary costs in the value chain, Papiroga offers exclusive designs with reduced production costs which allow today's women to feel unique without borrowing money or having to renew her wardrobe every day .
We do it all in a spirit of vindication that seeks to recover more and more buried motives: authenticity, welfare, happiness. A proposal uninhibited, fresh and bold, that goes beyond the look to focus on the mood. Designed for those who believe that fashion can still be a source of joy and not of frustration. For whom an accessory can be a thrill, an amazing experience able to make your day brighter or make you feel a little better.

Basically, all this is possible because of our financial independence, public and private, as we do not want to sacrifice our creative freedom just for an bank balance. We are a company with no charts nor charges. No visitor cards nor Power Point. No attending industry events, instead prefering to stay in the studio designing. Doing what it does because basically, it can not do otherwise. That is what Papiroga loves and what it's born to do. And the rest? The rest escapes us

Натуральная Бижутерия Papiroga 2012


Papiroga в ELLE Papiroga в Vouge    


Papiroga в COSMOPOLITAN Papiroga в GLAMOUR


женское колье Papiroga Glamour июнь 2012


Перейти к каталогу украшений Papiroga 2012 »»


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Ожерелье из бисера и кристаллов

Керамическое модное Колье-Бусы

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Фото Колье из бисера


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Красное колье из натуральных камней


Крупное колье-ожерелье из камней

